Monday, March 1, 2010

Satham Podathey

The news revolves about Bhanu (Padmapriya) who gets affiliated to Ratnavel (Nithin Sathya), a guy who works in railways as a Hockey Player. He affiliated Bhanu, by ambuscade the facts that he is barren and is a convalescent alcoholic. Soon the accord turns sour, back the brace apprehend afterwards a gynecologist (Suhasini) tells them that Ratnavel is impotent. In animosity of ancestors pressures to get a alternate divorce, the old ancient Bhanu decides to go advanced with the alliance by adopting a child.

But with the accession of the baby, Ratnavel becomes added afraid and tells her that the adolescent reminds him about his weakness! And all hell break apart back Bhanu realizes that her bedmate was an alcoholic who knew about his affliction and had betrayed her. Ratnavel, in his anger, beats up Bhanu till she is about unconscious. A few canicule later, she files for a annulment and stays with her parents for some days.

Bhanu meets Ravichandran (Pritviraj), a blithe guy who is a acquaintance of her brother's. He proposes to her and they after get married. But Ratnavel who had vowed to accomplish activity afflicted for Bhanu, returns. He kidnaps Bhanu and places a body in her home afore appearance an blow with a affable gas cylinder, arch Ravichandran and his ancestors to accept that Bhanu died in a kitchen accident.

After that, Ratnavel brings Bhanu to his bungalow in an abandoned breadth and locks her in a complete affidavit room. Back Ravichandran goes to Ratnavelu's abode to get some activity allowance papers, a alternation of clues advance him to acquisition Bhanu. Afterwards confusing Ratnavel, Ravichandran calls the badge and rescues Bhanu. Ratnavel is beatific to a brainy cover area he after hangs himself. This seems to be a accurate news which happened in Andhra Pradesh in the backward 90's and the ancestors associates of Ratnavel (name changed) are still there in Kakinada! But the cine ends with a blessed agenda back we see that Ravichandran and Bhanu are still appropriately affiliated and Bhanu is visibly pregnant.

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